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Writer's pictureJessica Grier

Three best run routes that start/end in Elizabeth neighborhood—Charlotte, NC

Running in the Queen City is a love hate relationship for most. With hills no matter the route you‘re definitely in for a workout. The three routes I’m sharing with you today are a few of my favs and all start at the front entry of The Towers. There is on-street parking or if you prefer you can start at the playground of the beautiful Independence Park.


This route takes you through the north side of Elizabeth, with historic home views, up tree lined Clement Ave and crosses in to the popular neighborhood of Chantilly (they don‘t call their neighborhood 5K Hilly Chantilly for nothing).

Why I like it: Packs a punch for a shorter run but ends with a lovely long down hill back to the park.


The Scenic Sixer - 6.2 Miles

This route takes you through the south side of Elizabeth, down the Trolley Walk, by Eastover Park and on to the Briar Creek Greenway trail by The Mint Museum Randolph. Side note, if you haven’t checked out the Museum before, you should! It was the original branch of the US Mint and was opened in 1936 as NC’s first art museum.

Why I like it: The Views- Lovely homes, beautiful trees and the greenway is very tranquil.


This route is mostly on Little Sugar Creek Greenway and is as flat as you‘re going to get in Charlotte. You hit three prominent neighborhoods— Elizabeth, Dilworth and Myers Park, run through Freedom Park and go all the way to Park Road Shopping Center.

Why I like it: Running through the trails of Freedom Park is gorgeous. The main run is on the trail that connects to Discovery Place- Nature Museum but you have a chance to make this a 10-mile run if you circle the pond connected to the main park.


I have found so many more great routes the last few weeks with all the gyms closed. We've all had to adjust to a more primitive type of work out. This New York Times article said it best: Running is the perfect sport for a pandemic. All you need is a pair of shoes and a six-foot buffer from the next person.

That said, stay safe out there. Mind your distance and don't forget to smile.


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